who wants to avoid you as a photographer or filmmaker.
The first part we talked about shooting
real programs with the camera.
In the second part, we talked about planning,
the mistakes you make in the beginning,
and a third of today's blog,
we cover the business aspect with errors
to avoid becoming a young entrepreneur,
photographer or filmmaker,
put down to try to do this job,
or try to make money on this.
Maybe more money over the weekend,
or full rhythm similar to a leader.
These are just a few of the things I have included
I wish I had it when I started or I wish I had done better.
And we'll start with those.
Number one contracts.
Contracts are very important.
It's not fun at all to do.
It's not fun to read.
And it's not fun to sign.
But they are there to protect you.
It doesn't matter who you shoot.
Listen to me, no matter who you shoot.
If it's a friend,
if it's family, it doesn't matter.
Get a contract, it covers everything
hopefully I'll do it for that person.
You both sign, love, whatever.
When there is compensation, both things are agreed upon,
you both signed, it's done.
That way when something comes up, when a lot of work is expanded,
if you don't do enough work, both sides
have a signed document clearly stated
what to expect.
Because I find that to be a very big channel
that's the biggest mistake expected
they are always different from one person to another.
And if that expectation is clarified
initially and they are followed
to the end because you have a contract
business is better.
So if you don't have a contract,
download sample sample, review, read,
maybe fill in your stuff.
Instead of a sample.
Do whatever you have to do.
Take it to a lawyer, find a friend to watch you.
Ask your parents to watch you.
Get your older siblings to watch them, whatever.
Start with something.
Okay, the agreements are signed.
That's one point.
(growing instrumental music)
The second number is not charging enough.
I am now an independent lawyer
first to urge your foot within the door.
Most people are the same, no, they should
never sell them.
Your time is important, yes, your time is important.
And your time is expensive.
But there is chaos and work to provide that works
will bring other departments,

it can open many doors for you,
it will take you to many places, among young people.
It helped build my career.
It helped to create jobs like my friend D Rock
you just posted a great post online
about how he worked for free to the point of confusion
to be a video writer for Gary V.
That's amazing.
But it is not enough to charge
as a growing businessman and photographer
trying to do it in the field.
I was always so excited to get a gig
completely forgetting what I was charging you for,
how precious is my time.
Not only do you provide the tools for this work,
you take your gear that you bought in the photoshoot,
you drive your car, using your fuel,
to take time in your day
and edit
all those pictures know
with the software you pay for.
Those things are important.
So when you start charging your work,
make sure you pay enough,
I mean you think about it like some of these cameras
thousands and thousands of dollars.
You are about to create photos
and you will only charge five hundred or 200 bucks
with a quick stop session,
which means you as a photographer
and two how did that happen to make money
or pay for your gear or actually
move on to the game.
So make sure you pay enough.
Sometimes you can throw numbers out there
that may seem a touch crazy to you
and that that client comes back and leaves alah no problem
and you think you, , oh, I did it
(stuttering) (sighing)
it can be very exciting.
So sit down and take part
I have written all these things, that I may know what is yours
time is expensive and rightly charged.
Point number is coming.
(growing instrumental music)
A three-point checklist.
I can't stress this enough.
So if you're going to shoot,
Suppose you are photographing a wedding,
has a fixed contract,
charge what you want to do
now comes the real shooting day.
I always getting a checklist from the client
of everything they want done.
That way, you can point to that throughout the day
all branches,
and you know, you have it all.
If that customer fails to offer you something
in that checklist is not your fault.
For example.
Suppose you are getting married,
have that checklist, get a dress,
get drinks in the morning, and gifts
start looking blah, blah, blah, blah,
he beats all those things
But maybe after two weeks, that client comes back
and says Aunt Margaret has never been photographed.
And we are very concerned about this.
And he flew all the way here from Australia.
And we will never see him again.
And you didn't even take pictures.
And then you'll pull out that checklist
that you are designed for that client
then sign without sa
